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Course Syllabus

ACC4211 Cases in Accounting (Internship substitute)

Cases in Accounting (Internship substitute)
ACC3202 and 90 credits completed
This course provides students the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills to address a series of real life issues that have arisen in organizations. The variety of cases, in terms of issues addressed and different organizational settings, provides the opportunity to accelerate learning in a manner not possible in real-life. Moreover, learning can occur without the adverse consequences of real-life mistakes. Students can expect to develop and apply not only their critical, analytical and decision-making skills but also those of written and oral communication.
At the completion of the course, you should be able to: Identify economic characteristics of various industries and describe differences in firm strategies for managing growth and attaining competitive advantages Learn to apply financial analysis techniques to analyze the profitability and risk of firms Assess the quality of firms’ earnings and financial statements and perform adjustments necessary to analyze financial statements Perform an in-depth comparative analysis of the performance and financial health of firms that compete in a specific industry Moreover, you should be able to: KNOWLEDGE Learn how firms’ operating activities are reflected in their financial reports Analyze the link between accounting choices and their reflection in the financial reports Understand the rationale for various accounting methods Develop a critical view of managers’ accounting choices SKILLS Use the tools of financial statements analysis Apply the financial accounting techniques Apply the instruments for determining for the purpose of identification, review and analysis of the quality of accounting information. APPLICATION ABILITIES Learn to compute and interpret financial ratios Apply methods of forecasting for valuation Have basic instruments of analysis applied to practical situations VALUES AND ATTITUDES KIMEP Core Values Academic honesty Respect for peers, instructors and staff
60 % -first and second assessments
40 % -final assessment