Course Syllabus
ENG/GEN1100 Academic English Speaking
Academic English Speaking
Academic Listening and Note Taking
The Academic Speaking course develops students’ skills and confidence in speaking argumentatively on a variety of academic topics in the areas of Humanities, Business Studies and the Social Sciences. Students will be expected to undertake secondary research on their chosen topics and thereby develop their ability to use resources appropriately and ethically. Being engaged analytically and in-depth with their topics, students offer constructive criticism of one another’s speeches. Critical and analytical thinking will be emphasized at all times. Through regular speeches, analysis, and peer as well as instructor feedback on their research and ultimately on their topics, students will improve their language proficiency and ability to argue effectively and persuasively within an academic context, and to handle evidence and statistical data. Class activities will take the form of discussions and speeches.
The core objectives of the course are to:
● Develop students’ ability to argue, evaluate, discuss, analyze the information from secondary sources
● Develop students’ skills and confidence in speaking informatively and persuasively on a variety of academic topics in the areas of Humanities, Business Studies, and the Social Sciences
● Familiarize students with the basics of academic speaking theory related to argumentation (e.g. structure, appeals, fallacies) and delivery
● Advance students’ competence to undertake secondary research on their chosen topics, handling evidence and statistical data from sources appropriately and ethically
● Analyze and provide constructive criticism of their own and recorded speeches
On completion of this course the students will be able to:
● Produce clear ideas and supported arguments on a variety of academic topics by synthesizing information from secondary sources
● Give a variety of speeches (ice-breaker speech, informative and persuasive) on a variety of academic topics in the areas of Humanities, Business Studies, and the Social Sciences
● Speak with effective argument and delivery within an academic context to produce clear,
smoothly flowing, well-structured speech, showing competent use of organizational
patterns, connectors, and cohesive devices
● Clearly and effectively formulate ideas with support from secondary research in activities
such as extemporaneous and impromptu speaking based on analyzed materials with
support from speaking notes and outlines
● Provide constructive criticism through analysis and evaluation of their own and recorded
60 % -first and second assessments
40 % -final assessment
- Tentative course outline
Organization of sociological research and use of its methods
Class introductions
Delivery of Ice-Breaker speech
Preparation for Ice- Breaker speech
Discussion of the features of academic spoken English
Introduction to
Delivery of Ice-Breaker speech
Watching and analysis of samples of Ice-breaker speeches
Watching and analysis of samples of Ice-breaker speeches
Delivery of ice- breaker speech
Socialization and identity
Extemporaneou s informative speech
Introduction to
Delivery of Ice-Breaker speech
Watching and analysis of samples of informative (demonstration/explanatio n) speeches
Reading articles on the topic of the week and taking notes in Speaking notebook
Discussion and analysis of informative (demonstration/explanatio n) speech examples
Introduction to the requirements of the Speaking notebook
Reading articles on the narrowed aspect of the topic of the week “Socialization and identity”
and taking notes in Speaking notebook analysis of informative
Speaking notebook on the topic
“Socialization and identity”
Practice in speech introductions (language, thesis statement; attention getters/hooks; credibility of materials)
(demonstration/exp lanation) speech Choosing a topic for the midterm 1 extemporaneous informative speech
Family in the modern world
Extemporaneou s informative speech
Practice in outlining the informative speech on the selected topic
Analysis of samples of informative speeches outlines
Oral citation for academic speaking
Preparation for speech on the selected topic Analysis of the samples of informative speeches
Practice in application of delivery techniques
Analysis of samples of informative speeches (delivery)
Oral citation for academic speaking
Preparation for speech on the selected topic (outline)
Choosing a topic for the Midterm 1 extemporaneous informative speech
Extemporaneou s informative speech
Practice in application of delivery techniques
Analysis of samples of informative speeches (delivery)
Reading articles on the topic of the week and taking notes in Speaking notebook
Choosing a topic for the Midterm 1 extemporaneous informative speech
Presentation of the proposal for Midterm 1
individual extemporaneous informative speech topic
In-class practice informative speech 1 on the selected/narrowed topic
Introduction to rhetorical devices
Practice in application of delivery techniques
Analysis of samples of informative speeches (delivery)
Reading articles on the topic of the week and taking notes in Speaking notebook
Reading articles on the chosen topic for Midterm 1 extemporaneous informative speech
In-class practice informative speech 1 on the selected/narrowed topic
Religion and society
Extemporaneou s informative speech
Practice in application of delivery techniques
Self-analysis and peer evaluation of practice
Reading articles on the topic of the week and taking notes in Speaking
Speaking notebook on the topic of the week
Reading articles on the chosen Midterm 1 extemporaneous informative speech topic
Practice outlining and giving in-class speeches
Self-analysis and peer evaluation of practice speeches
Reading articles on the chosen Midterm 1 extemporaneous informative speech topic
Preparation for the speech on the topic
Outline for Midterm 1 extemporaneous informative speech
Culture and society
Extemporaneou s informative speech
Practice outlining and giving in-class speeches
Self-analysis and peer evaluation of practice speeches
In-class practice informative speech 2 on the selected/narrowed topic
Refining the speech outline
Self-analysis and peer evaluation of practice speeches
In-class practice informative speech 2 on the selected/narrowed topic
Education and social inequality
Midterm 1 Extemporaneou s informative speech
Delivery of Midterm 1 extemporaneous informative speech
Midterm 1 Extemporaneou s informative speech
Delivery of Midterm 1 extemporaneous informative speech
Mass media & technology and society
Extemporaneou s persuasive speech
Review Midterm 1 speeches
Introduction to argumentation
Introduction to organizational pattern of persuasion: Direct Method
Introduction to speech outlining with direct method of persuasion
Reading articles on the topic of the week to fill out the Speaking notebook
Introduction to organizational pattern of persuasion: Direct Method
Introduction to speech outlining with direct
Reading articles on the topic of the week to fill out the Speaking notebook
method of persuasion
Mass media & technology and society
Extemporaneou s persuasive speech
Introduction to persuasion techniques
Observation and analysis of samples of persuasive speeches
In-class application of persuasive techniques
Observation and analysis of samples of persuasive speeches
Reading articles on the topic of the week to fill out the Speaking notebook
Choosing a topic for the Midterm 2 persuasive speech Reading articles on the chosen Midterm 2 persuasive speech topic to find arguments for and against
Presentation of the proposal for Midterm 2 Persuasive speech
Analysis of samples of persuasive speeches
Economic development
Extemporaneou s persuasive speech
In-class practice in giving persuasive speech 1
Reading articles on the chosen Midterm 2 persuasive speech topic to find arguments for and against Self-analysis and peer-evaluation of persuasive speeches
Self-analysis and peer-evaluation of persuasive speeches
Extemporaneou s persuasive speech
In-class practice in giving persuasive speech 1
Reading articles on the chosen Midterm 2 persuasive speech topic to find arguments for and against Self-analysis and peer-evaluation of persuasive speeches
Practice in giving persuasive speech 1
Self-analysis and peer-evaluation of persuasive speeches
Filling in the Speaking notebook with the required info on the topic of the week (See the template.)
Practice in giving persuasive speech 1
Population & urbanization
Extemporaneou s persuasive speech
Introduction to the organizational pattern of persuasion: Problem- Cause-Solution Method
Introduction to speech outlining with Problem- Cause-Solution method of persuasion
Preparation for Midterm 2 persuasive speech
Observation and analysis of samples of persuasive speeches (Problem and Solution)
Preparation for Midterm 2 persuasive speech Analysis of the samples of persuasive speeches (Problem and Solution)
Social changes
Extemporaneou s persuasive speech
In-class practice in giving persuasive speech 2
Preparation for Midterm 2 persuasive speech Self-analysis and peer-evaluation of persuasive speeches
Practice in giving persuasive speech 2
Self-analysis and peer-evaluation of persuasive speeches
In-class practice in giving persuasive speech 2
Preparation for Midterm 2 persuasive speech
Practice in giving persuasive speech 2
Self-analysis and peer-evaluation of persuasive speeches
Midterm 2 extemporaneous persuasive speech
Preparation for Final Impromptu Speech: reading articles given by the teacher and taking notes in Speaking notebooks
Midterm 2 extemporaneous persuasive speech
Preparation for Final Impromptu Speech: reading articles given by the teacher and taking notes in Speaking notebooks
Final Impromptu Speech
Preparation for Final Impromptu Speech
Preparation for Final Impromptu Speech: reading articles given by the teacher and taking notes in Speaking notebooksFinal Impromptu Speech
Final Impromptu Speech
Final Impromptu