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Course Syllabus

MKT4201 Cases in Marketing (Internship Substitute)

Cases in Marketing (Internship Substitute)
This is an internship substitute course for students who decided to select major in marketing. This course is offered for students who could not find an internship position. The course is designed in accordance with the Ministry of Education requirements for internship credits: The curriculum should reflect sufficient local content, The focus should be on the application of knowledge and/or theories to real situations/cases, Students must write analytical report, and Students must make presentations in class. The course will provide the students with intensive study of marketing management. There will be an emphasis on analysis of marketing environment, development of marketing strategies and formulation of policies, integration of marketing with other functional areas of business. Cases studies on Ethical Issues and Social Responsibility will be discussed during this course.
At the end of the course, students should be able to do the following: KNOWLEDGE: Students will have an understanding of Various types and levels of marketing strategies The relationship between Marketing and other departments. The importance of maintaining relationships with customers. The growing importance of customer in the marketing activities and customer co-creation Building strong brands SKILLS: Students will learnt to Analyze internal situation and environment of the company Develop marketing strategies and tactical decisions Develop alternative decisions and evaluate the options Resolve conflicts and improve customer service. Build an effective group Develop project about marketing strategies and activities of company operating in Kazakhstan Improve writing and presentation of marketing strategies and activities APPLICATION ABILITIES: Students will be able to Develop effective strategies and policies. Implement ethical decisions and incorporate strategies to achieve goals and objectives. Link various forces acting on and challenges facing the organization. Develop effective groups to solve marketing problems. Expectations from Participants: Come to each class well prepared to be able to discuss the required readings and assigned cases in detail. For each case discussion in class, write up your analysis and recommendations beforehand. Provide the respective groups with their data/reports by the due date. Actively participate in lectures and tutorials as much of the learning will come from discussions during class. Give a professional group presentation that is relevant to the lecture topics and interesting for the class Internalize the concepts covered in the course and be able to creatively use them in an applied context. This course is all about understanding and application to the real world. Each chapter of the recommended textbook contains a list of important learning objectives. In addition, each Learning Objective is tied to the specific section(s) of the textbook (to which it pertains).
60 % -first and second assessments
40 % -final assessment
Tentative course outline
"Introduction into the course. Overview of marketing management. (Chapter 1-2) Readings: How to analyze case study. "
"Market-oriented strategic marketing planning. Marketing strategies and tactics. (Chapters 2-3). Readings: Case study analysis and discussion. "
"Customer satisfaction and loyalty Activity: Case discussion"
"Market-oriented strategic marketing planning Developing marketing strategies and plans Activity: Case study analysis and discussion"
"Managing Digital technology in Marketing. Marketing Experience. Case Toyota analysis and presentation Readings: How to present a case study. "
"The changing marketing environment and information management. Competitive advantage and capabilities gap Google case presentations"
"Google case presentations Google case presentations"
Identifying, analyzing and creating target market. Differentiating and positioning strategies
Assignment 1 presentations (20min + 5min Q&A) - 3 teams
"Assignment 1 presentations (20min + 5min Q&A) - 3 teams Creating and managing brands and brand equity Devising contemporary branding strategy Developing and managing pricing strategies "
"Activity: Case study analysis and discussion Assignment 3 presentations. Assign.2 due"
Managing retailing. Communicating customer value: integrated marketing communications.
"Communicating customer value: integrated marketing communications. Activity: Case study analysis and discussion Ethics, social responsibility and marketing activities. "
Final project presentations
Final Exam