Bang College of Business


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Department of Management and Marketing

The department offers B.Sc. and MBA degrees with major in Management and Marketing, and minors in other allied fields. The Management major provides training in the internationally accepted functions of management. As the Kazakhstan economy grows and the wider regional economy continues to develop, the need for well-trained managers will continue to expand. It is the mission of the department to develop key capacities through strategic decisions and negotiations.

Marketing is where the action is in modern organizations, offering exciting opportunities for graduates who are capable of taking on the challenges posed by a dynamic and constantly changing environment. In a period of rapid change and growth in Kazakhstan, the ability to market products effectively is central to success. Developing these capacities in the youth of the Republic is our mission.


  Bang College of Business, KIMEP, 2 Abai Avenue, Almaty, 050010
Tel.: +7 327 270-44-96        Fax: +7 327 2